Syncing two databases

Step-by-step instructions on how to sync two databases. This assumes, rubyrep has already been installed.

Step 1: Set up the configuration file

At it’s simplest, a sync is simply a scan where differences are not just printed but also reconciled. This means, that a configuration file created as per “Scanning two databases for differences” can be used straight away to execute a sync.

Such a sync will use the following default sync policy:

  • records that only exist in one of the databases, are copied to the other.
  • conflicting records are ignored.

Step 2: Execute the sync

To run the sync, execute: rubyrep sync -c myrubyrep.conf This will sync all configured tables.

It is possible, to overwrite which tables to sync. E. g. to sync ‘dept’ and all tables starting with ‘e’:    rubyrep sync -c myrubyrep.conf dept /^e/

Per default, rubyrep will re-order the table syncs so to minimize foreign key conflicts.

The output generated, will look similar to scan results as explained in the scanning tutorial

Appendix A: Tweaking the sync policy

If the sync policy as explained above is not suitable for your setup, you can modify it.

Handling of “left only” (:left_record_handling) or “right only” (:right_record_handling) records:

  • :ignore: no action
  • :delete: delete from source database
  • :insert: insert into the other database (default behavior)
  • ruby Proc object: specify custom behavior. Refer to the RDoc on how to do this.

Handling of conflicts (:sync_conflict_handling):

  • :ignore: no action (default behavior)
  • :left_wins: update the record in the right database
  • :right_wins: update the record in the left database
  • ruby Proc object: specify custom behavior. Refer to the RDoc on how to do this.


  • config.options[:left_record_handling] = :ignore All records that only exist in the left database will be ignored
  • config.add_table_options /^e/, :sync_conflict_handing => :update_right If there is a conflict in any table starting with ‘e’, update the right database.
  • config.include_tables 'dept', :left_record_handling => :ignore, :right_record_handling => :ignore, :sync_conflict_handling => :right_wins This sets up many behaviors at the same time:
    • Add table ‘dept’ to the tables that will be synced.
    • For table ‘dept’, ignore records that only exist in one of the databases
    • For table ‘dept’, if there are conflicts, update the left database

Appendix B: Tweaking the logging policy

Rubyrep can log sync events in a database. It will do this if the left databases has a “logged events” table. This table is automatically created during creation. Normally it is named “rr_logged_events”.

The default logging policy is to log only ignored conflicts. This can be modified with the :logged_sync_events option:

  • :ignored_changes: log ignored (but not synced) non-conflict changes
  • :all_changes: log all non-conflict changes
  • :ignored_conflicts: log ignored (but not synced) conflicts
  • :all_conflicts: log all conflicts

To activate multiple options, specify them in an array:

config.options[:logged_sync_events] = [

Appendix C: Complete Example

A sync with the following configuration file would

  • sync all tables
  • resolve conflicts by updating the left database
  • except table ‘emp’: here in case of conflicts the right database is updated
RR::Initializer::run do |config|
  config.left = {
    :adapter  => 'postgresql', # or 'mysql'
    :database => 'SCOTT',
    :username => 'scott',
    :password => 'tiger',
    :host     => ''

  config.right = {
    :adapter  => 'postgresql',
    :database => 'SCOTT',
    :username => 'scott',
    :password => 'tiger',
    :host     => ''

  config.options[:sync_conflict_handling] = :right_wins
  config.add_table_options 'emp', :sync_conflict_handling => :left_wins

  config.include_tables /./

Appendix D: Further Information

Refer to the sync command reference for the complete reference to the sync command.

Go to the configuration reference to see a list of all available configuration options.